a picture of H. Ryott Glayzer

Hello I am H. Ryott Glayzer (she/her) and I love physics, music, anarchism, my mom, and my wife, Lydia. I am autistic and severely ADHD. I also have hypermobile type Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.

I am an undergraduate physics student at SD Mines, and hold a position as a Lab Assistant under Dr. Richard Schnee. I am generally interested by all of physics, but what really piques my interest is the world of particle astrophysics. In my work in Dr. Schnee's group, I analyze assays of different materials used in various dark matter searches for the emanation of Radon-222. This work contributes to the mitigation of radioactive backgrounds in the search for dark matter. I have done analysis of assays for LZ and SuperCDMS. I also do characterization of Polonium-210 alphas for SuperCDMS Soudan and am starting analysis on CUTE data soon.

I am also a multi-instrumentalist involved in several musical projects. My main project is called Crust After Curfew, an anarcho-queercore band from the Black Hills of South Dakota. I am the vocalist and guitarist in Crust after Curfew. I also write lofi music as impvrity. You can find both of those projects everywhere music is located. On the jazzier side of things, I am the trumpet player in the chordless DRT Trio. I was temporarily a member of the crack rock steady band, Public Serpents, as a trumpet player. Formerly, I was the bassist for a black metal band called Flood, the vocalist for a deathcore band called Prostitution Evolution, and an honorary member af the band Carrion Crawlers. (check them out they're awesome!!!) I am also a member of the contemporary worship team at Open Heart Methodist Church.

For correspondence, you can contact me by email at h.ryott.glayzer@ryott.gay

You can buy me a cup of coffee! visit my Cashapp or Venmo link below!